Christ makes the difference.
For anyone who...
is struggling in their quiet time with God
& having discipline in many, if not all areas of their life,
doesn’t know where to start in reading the bible
Feels overwhelmed//confused when it comes to reading the bible
...this post is for you.
I TOTALLY get you. You are not alone. I have struggled with all of these things, and am still learning that Christ’s grace is enough for me (2 Corinthians 12:9).
So. Let’s jump right in, shall we? A lesson I’ve learned several times is how to CONSISTENTLY spend time with Jesus. I have struggled and still struggle with making time for the Lord. I’ve lost discipline and the drive to get up every morning, and I’ve also forgotten the importance of dying to your flesh every morning, truly putting Jesus first, and inviting him into every area of your life, not just one.
We can’t live a fruitful, joyful life without Jesus. “I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who remains in me and I in him produces much fruit, because you can do nothing without me.” John 15:5 CSB.
When we spend time with God and find contentment in Him, we won’t long for contentment in other areas of our lives.
For example, you won’t long to go further in your relationship and cross boundaries that you will regret crossing in the future. You won’t overindulge in food and alcohol (if you’re 21+ of course) because you’ve already been fed with the Word. You won’t strive so much for perfection and to increase your number of accomplishments to feel loved and content.
Christ makes the difference.
So what do we do to make time for Jesus?
Pray. Pour out your heart before Him and ask him to help you make time, and read His truth daily. With God, you can do anything, including getting up a little earlier to spend time with Him.
Dear heavenly Father,
I pour my heart out to you because your Word says to pour out my heart before you, because you are my refuge. I pray that you’d help me to make time for you. To get in the Word daily, and spend time with you. Give me the desire to read Your Word, help me to understand it, and apply it.
I pray you’d help me die to my fleshly desires daily. God, I invite you into every area of my life, not just one.
Help me to find contentment in you, and not search for it anywhere else.
I pray all these things in Jesus’ name,
Through this trial, Christ has taught me more about what my time with Him should look like, and the fact that Christ truly makes the difference in my life, and friend, He does in yours too.
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