The prodigal son.
“[20] So he got up and went to his father. But while the son was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion. He ran, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him. [21] The son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven in your sight. I’m no longer worthy to be called you son.’ [22] “But the father told his servants, ‘Quick! Bring out the best robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. [23] Then bring the fattened calf and slaughter it, and let;s celebrate with a feast, [24] because this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!”
[luke 15:20-24]
I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’ve heard the story of the prodigal son, but if you have never heard of it, I am honored to be the first person to tell you a lil’ bit about it. :)
I have an interesting story that goes along with this passage of scripture, so just relax, sit down in a nice comfy chair, maybe get a cup o’ coffee, and soak in the message.
It was time for the sophomore class [which includes me] to customize their class rings, and purchase them. My mom, a close friend of mine, and I went to the local ice cream//coffee shop and sat down to help me customize my very own class ring.
We were just about to purchase the ring when my mother asked me if I was sure I wanted to get it.
“What do you mean?” I said.
What else was I supposed to get? Everyone gets a class ring! Why shouldn’t I?
Then she proceeded to tell me that I could get a purity ring.
“But that’s a little cliche…” I stated.
It’s incredibly common to get one… and I’m not saying I’m totally against getting one, but I just wanted to be different.
We did a little more thinking, and then all of the sudden she said,
“How about a promise ring… to God? To always put Him first in your life?”
I did some thinking, and then I realized, I could get a different ring, the same price or less than a class ring, except it would hold so much more meaning and accountability!
So a couple days later my mother and I set out to find the perfect promise ring.
We went to every ring store and then finally, after searching for the perfect design, color, and type of stone, we found the one that stood out the most.
It actually happens to be a stackable ring, which means I can stack my engagement ring or wedding ring on top of it. Which also means that I get to wear it the rest of my life. How cool is that!?
Versus a class ring that I will most likely stop wearing by the time I graduate college. But remember, this is just my opinion. I’m certainly not dissing getting a class ring. I’m just trying to provide possible inspiration to you, and an underlying message.
Now, fast forwards a couple of weeks.
I’m sitting in my bed, just before going to sleep, and talking to God. I was feeling discouraged. I felt far from God [probably because I hadn’t really talked to Him or spent time with him at all that week], and I looked down at my hand and there rested my ring on my middle finger.
Tears formed in my eyes- I was overwhelmed with guilt.
“I don’t deserve this ring,” I thought.
But then I just felt the Lord pushing me to open my bible and see what he says.
I did, and I just happened to turn to the parable of the prodigal son.
Whilst reading through it, something just leaped right out at me, making me tear up again because it was exactly what I needed to hear.
When the prodigal son returned to his father, he said that he was no longer worthy to be called his son. But the father rejoiced at his son’s coming back to him. Coming back to his father.
But wait, that’s not all. His father told his servants to bring him the best robe and put a RING on his finger and sandals on his feet. I was shocked! A RING !! The prodigal son didn’t deserve anything that his father gave him, yet he gave it to him anyway. He forgave him.
The forgiveness that the prodigal son’s father showed him is similar to the forgiveness that our Heavenly Father gives us, through the death of His son, Jesus, on the cross. Jesus took the penalty we deserved.
Wow. That’s love right there. Love Himself.
So even though you and I make mistakes daily, we are forgiven. Even if we stray from God, we will come back to Him and He will be waiting with open arms.
Rest in this truth today:
God’s love for me isn’t dependent on my actions.
His mercies are new every morning [lamentations 3:22-23].
- Abigail :)
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