The Truth I'm Standing On.
you remind me
where my help comes from
this is the truth I’m standing on.
right where he placed me.
Right where he planned for me to be before I was formed in my mother’s womb [psalm 139:16]. How ground-breaking is that truth?
That alone would be enough for y’all to sit and chew on.
Anyway... let’s get to the heart of this message. [Also, feel free to whip out your handy dandy Bible and flip to the verses of scripture mentioned :)]
Idk about you, but sometimes I feel purposeless and forget why I’m here. now, I’m not saying that sometimes I get suicidal, but I’m saying that I just forget what God says. and the opposite of forgetting is remembering.
God has taught me the importance of remembering his truth because if you're not remembering, you're forgetting.
I need to remember
the truth of his word,
his promises,
his faithfulness,
his love for me that I can’t earn on my own.
who he is, and who I am in him.
So that I won’t forget
the truth of his word,
his promises,
his faithfulness,
his love for me,
who he is, and who I am in him.
We need to choose Him, every day. [Matthew 6:33] Right when we wake up, we need to choose to walk in step with the Spirit, being led by Him.
listening, trusting, and yielding to the Words of God. [galatians 5:16]
Let’s pray, right when we wake up, and ask for God’s help and guidance in doing this. [mark 1:35]
I mean, come on! It’s managed to stay here since approximately 1500 BC. I’d say that’s pretty impressive.
not our own knowledge, or anything else. In Jesus’ name, amen.
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