Don't Tread On Me.

No weapon

Formed against me

Shall prosper

Don’t tread on me.

[Don’t Tread on Me by We the Kingdom]

I was literally singing this song in the shower, and this message was planted right smack dab in my mind. So prepare your hearts for this God-given message y’all !!

If ya haven’t already, go listen to it. It’s good + gritty and makes me wanna beat up satan. Anyways… [lol]

Everyday, your heart + mind is attacked by the enemy.

just let this fact sink in for a moment. right now there is battle between the Holy Spirit, and your flesh.

He uses certain distractions, or weapons to get a foothold in your life, and ultimately pull you away from your heavenly Father.

Now, ask yourself this question ::

What are the weapons that the enemy uses in my life?

seriously. stop what you are doing right now. look up from your phone and think. open your notes and write down what or who the enemy is using to distract you from God.

The first thing that popped up in my head was the rechargeable, black screen that seems to hold so much power in my everyday life, and most likely yours too.

What if we went back to only using a phone for communication purposes?

Think how much more present we would be in our lives, and how we would talk to more people and actually be where our feet are.

That would be the type of world I would wanna live in.

Another weapon he could use to pull you away from your relationship with your heavenly Father could be your ::









-the substance you’re addicted to






-porn addiction [yes we are going there]




-false self





And the list goes on.

Not only can these things be weapons, but they could be idols in your life.

A huge point in this is that you need God. The proof of this statement is hidden in creation.

IDK about you, but every single time I choose to put Him first in my day, MY DAY IS SO MUCH BETTER.

Why? Because I’m walking in step with Him ! I’m not straying away from God and pushing away my relationship w/ Him.

God loves you. Believing that He is alive, that He sent His Son to earth to die on the cross to be the ultimate sacrifice that you needed to have a relationship with Him. So that you may gain my glorious inheritance and get to go to Heaven one day.

Believing in God was + is the best decision I have ever made in my life. It is because of Him, that I have life, and have it abundantly.

So please, if anything, take this with you today. Think about it.

MARINATE IN IT. That’s all I ask.

abigail rose


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